Father’s Day, 2019: D-Day

The 4 major factors that influenced D-Day will set you up to win in any area of life! Father’s Day lands on everyone differently, depending on the type of dad you grew up with. If Father’s Day is hard for you, we hope that this message serves as an encouragement to you, this year! This message […]

Pastor Peter Haas from Substance Church

PASTOR PETER HAAS FROM SUBSTANCE CHURCH​ Pastor Peter Haas has a refreshing way of sharing truths about generosity and you’ll appreciate how real he is about his story! He leads an incredible church in Minneapolis, MN that is all about reaching the dechurched and unchurched community in radical ways! If you feel like life is […]

Worth The Risk

Without faith it is impossible to please God We study the life of Abraham and the currency of heaven in this series. We begin with a sermon about priorities, Pastor Erin teaches how to raise children of promise V opportunity, we learn the lost art of the salute and why it matters so much, then […]

Pastor Nate Puccini: The Happiness Switch

Do you know where to find HAPPINESS? We tend to think that if only our circumstances would change, then we would be happy…but there are stats and stories that prove otherwise! Pastor Nate talks about numerous new cars that he scratched, crashed and smashed and what’s learned about TRUE happiness! Pastor Nate Puccini: The Happiness […]

Live Die Repeat

God can’t resurrect what you’ve got on life support What qualifies for resurrection is death, plain and painful. We explore where sin and death began and what the human race is holding onto. Next we tackle boy/girl power struggles from the beginning. Jesus demonstrates his power in raising Lazarus, but perhaps even more so in […]


The solution you are looking for is likely not a solution at all, but rather a PERSON If we want to win, we need to find our Nehemiahs. We need to find our leaders. This is historically how any good shift happens in society: a leader says yes, then a people say yes to the […]

Drama Club

Drama makes you the star in a play no one wants to watch If you’re tired of JR High you always getting the microphone, this series is for you. Drama makes healthy people tired and sooner or later they leave. King Saul was a drama queen, so to speak. His insecurity pushed the very people […]


Part 1: A Sense Of Safety https://vimeo.com/308823114 Part 2: Everyone Wants Influence https://vimeo.com/309830385 Part 3: Sentimentally Speaking https://vimeo.com/311142051 Part 4: Panic In The Shark Tank https://vimeo.com/312467946

In On It

Part 1: The Prophecies https://vimeo.com/305409820 Part 2: Here, but not HERE https://vimeo.com/306764445 Part 3: Dream A Little Dream https://vimeo.com/308029035

Bad Timing

Part 1: The Proud King https://vimeo.com/301531089 Part 2: The Angry Villian https://vimeo.com/302831300 Part 3: Humble Heroes https://vimeo.com/304080847