First Wednesday – The Burden and The Burning
First Wednesday: The Burden and The Burning
Baptism Service Fall 2023
Baptism symbolizes death and resurrection. The old YOU that goes under the water stays there. What comes up is new and belongs to Jesus, to live in His resurrection holiness and power. Let’s celebrate with our baptism-ees as they make the best decision of their lives! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
FrankenJesus explores the human tendency to piece together a sort of “Jesus” That looks a little like Him and a lot like us. We want salvation and purpose but we want to control it too. The real Jesus can never be controlled by us. Sometimes we give in to the temptation to create another version […]
First Wednesday Oct 2023
First Wednesday: Your Gift
Church in the Wild
Church in the Wild asks the question “Who did Jesus think church was for?” We explore how those inside church should actually do life together, and how to interact with those on the outside of church. Venue is built a very specific way and this series bring clarity to our blueprint. Part 1: Smarter Than […]
First Wednesday – Sept 2023
First Wednesday: Bootcamp
Weird is a series about odd Bible stories and weird church people. Pastor Corey jumps into accounts of Talking Donkeys, the Earth Eating People, a Pillar of Salt that used to be a woman, and Sapphira dying during offering time in church. Part 1: Talking Donkeys Part 2: Earth Eats People Part […]
How to live in freedom by using the greatest weapon God has given us for battle – Forgiveness Mighty Weapons: Part 1 Mighty Weapons: Part 2
Pastor Amber Sweaza
Joseph’s Life
People I Like
People I Like is a series about the greatest predictor of your spiritual growth: Whether you are involved in church with 4-5 close friends. Some friends make you FEEL better and some friends MAKE you better. Choose wisely! Part 1: Rooftop Party Part 2: Red Kool Aid