Church in the Wild

Church in the wild   If you have questions, if you’re not sure what to believe about God or just feel stuck or lost, this series is for you. Part 1: A Night With Lions Part 2: Adapt AND Die Part 3: A Captive’s Handbook

Safety V Security

Safety V Security. DO YOU THINK OF THEM AS INTERCHANGEABLE?  Listen in as Pastor Corey explains the role of these words in our lives, and the amazing changes that will come when you lean further into God’s will for you. Part 1: Siege Mentality Part 2: Leverage Love (Not Fear)

Summer 2020

Did you know That worship not only increases your life expectancy but your creativity & compassion? After sharing multiple scientific studies on the power of “awe,” Pastor Peter gives a Bible lesson on why God gives us the “gift of worship”.  Part 1: Science of Worship Part 2: Solutions

The Blueprint

Ever wonder why Venue Church looks the way it does? In this series, The Blueprint, we’re talking about the Venue Code – our code is our culture. The first thing you’ll hear us say is, “a life saved is worth everything”. We bleed that. Another thing you’ll hear us say at Venue is that we’re here to disturb the comfortable and […]

The Wall

There are times in history when the devastated conditions of nations,  Cities and families become the new norm and people just accept what is happening. The stories we tell ourselves justify our lacklustre outlook until God raises up someone with an ability to Get upset and Stay upset. These visionaries turn the heat up and […]

Father’s Day 2020

Happy Father’s Day!  We’re so glad you’ve joined us to watch this John Wick (kinda) Father’s Day sermon! We believe that this service will unlock a power never before known in our men.  Brotherhood


The Fables of Jesus are short stories (parables) that convey a moral. The fables of humans are often the stories we tell ourselves that are false and lead us where we don’t want to go. Pastor Corey explores several simple stories of Jesus whose AHA! moments have everything to do with the times we are […]

Moms: An Essential Service

We’re so glad you’ve joined us for this Virtual Mother’s Day LIVE experience! Four Venue moms from all walks of life and family situations share in a fun interview setting, interspersed with shots of Venue kids saying what they love about their moms.  Moms: An Essential Service

The New Norm

Gideon was a man who understood pain and crisis. He was a man of steel and not “made of puppies”. Pastor Corey explores three things about Gideon’s life that were the foundation for his 300 defeating the enemy’s 135,000: 1. He learned maturity and became a man of steel during crisis, 2. He understood discipline […]

It Is Well

How can I BE ok when it’s not ok? In light of the COVID-19 crisis, Pastor Corey asks the question “How can I BE ok when it’s not ok?”. The origin of the old hymn It is Well is a tragic story, but where stories begin doesn’t have to be where they end. There is […]