Pastor Nate Puccini
Welcome guest Speaker Pastor Nate Puccini From Substance Church, Minneapolis. Get ready for a riveting sermon on being an Armour Bearer. Find Your Armour Bearer
Holy Habits
Talent, or even strength of mind and will, can bring a measure of success. But… These can also be subverted into tearing it down without something that is far more important than these things the world focuses on. Holy Habits are the only thing that undergirds the weight and responsibility true success brings. Holy Habits […]
The Tribe
Jesus didn’t do life alone; He had a tribe of brothers. If Jesus needed a tribe, you need a tribe. The tribe is what carries on the work Jesus started, but it’s not easy belonging to a tribe. Nothing worthwhile is easy. Learn in this series how to belong, how to let God fit you […]
Be the Donkey
Be The Donkey – Somebody is using you to transport things to people and people to places. When you walk into a room, what do you bring? Are people uplifted and encouraged? Do you move them towards connecting with God and people? We are supposed to be facilitators of heaven like Jesus was when He […]
Pastor Bryce Birmingham
Special Guest: Pastor Bryce from Home Church Calgary Will encourages us & teaches us how to watch over our hearts with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life. Don’t Lose Heart
Road Signs
There are four major road signs on the path to God’s destiny for us, But they are progressive. Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, Make a Difference. People who try to make a difference before they find freedom rarely do. Why? We will discover it in this series. Part 1: Know God Part 2: […]
It’s not how many punches you can throw… It’s how many you can take and still throw one. Elasticity, flexibility, the ability to spring back quickly from trouble. In this series we will discover life lessons from Bible characters. Some shattered in the face of trouble, others flexed and thrived. Find out how hard times make […]
Empty Hands
Empty Hands is a series about the key to increase. How? In economic uncertainty and lack, God has a higher economy. When He drives the car of our resources, he protects us, insures us, and brings increase. Our hands shouldn’t hold the steering wheel. Part 1: An Empty Fridge Part 2: The Boy and […]
Hairy Man
It’s interesting that the Bible describes the clothing of the prophet Elijah. One particular piece of clothing was his mantle, a horribly uncomfortable thing. But when discomfort becomes your new comfort, the message God gives you gains power. Comfort makes us desire safety, but Safe doesn’t Save. Part 1: Elijah Part 2: Answer by […]
Sunday Funday
Welcome to Sunday Fundays at Venue! In these special summer messages, you will hear a little from Pastor Corey, then for his summer preaching break from his dad Pastor Richard, and his pastors Peter and Carolyn Haas from Substance Church in Minneapolis! Part 1: Shake it Off Part 2: Dead Man Walking Part […]