Pirate Code
God does not want pirate kids: Take what you can, give nothing back. God is our Father and wants to provide all of our needs. He also never wants you and I to worry about not having enough. This very practical series deals with doable and non-mysterious money habits that will unlock God’s supernatural provision […]
Baptism Sunday, October 2024
Baptism Sunday (Part 1) https://youtu.be/R7tNEfiodQs Baptism Sunday (Part 2) https://youtu.be/0qnZMpvdE7c Baptism Sunday (Part 3) https://youtu.be/yHNyxX_vUNQ
First Wednesday – October 2024
First Wednesday | I Hate Losing (Unity Wins Wars) | Pastor Corey Kope https://youtu.be/E_jYMinSVSQ
Church in the Wild
Who is church for? Ask 100 people and you might get 100 answers. Maybe the best one to ask is the one whose church it is? This series explores Jesus’ thoughts about people, purpose and yes, His house. Part 1: Fridge Friends https://youtu.be/GRlUgR80k9E Part 2: The Boot Decision https://youtu.be/Ot9voUmKw2o Part 3: Not Tigers https://youtu.be/f4f6pQZTSqM Part […]
September 2024 First Wednesday
First Wednesday | Clear the Rubble | Pastor Corey Kope https://youtu.be/8HNlhfy0V1Y
Let’s get practical for all you nerds out there and talk about our schedules? It is a great predictor of whether you worship God or the work of your hands… Nerdfest https://youtu.be/7g4rk5pDXJc
August First Wednesday
First Wednesday | Eternal Return on Investment | Pastor Corey Kope https://youtu.be/XSLo71iMQ-4
Shock and Awe
When awe is lost, connection follows. If connection is the purpose of the human race, and we believe God tells us we can’t properly connect with Him and people until we’re helping others connect, we lose the most essential thing we can have. Awe and wonder around God and people centers our emotions and causes […]
Build or Bust
Nehemiah could have ignored the massive challenge ahead of him. He had a lucrative career, worked in a palace, had all the stuff, but gets destroyed by one piece of bad news that he let wreck him until he did something about it. The funny thing was his purpose was hiding behind the problem. Why […]
Special Guest Pastor Jonathan Lambert
New Math https://youtu.be/4s1HTbwOC8U