Baptism Service, March 2024

Baptism Sunday (Part 1) Baptism Sunday (Part 2) Baptism Sunday (Part 3)

Man of Sorrows

Is happiness freedom from pain? Then Jesus is the unhappiest person in the universe.  Many of us come to Christ, get what we want (temporary relief) and stop digging into the deeper things of Jesus. But we must meet the Man of Sorrows or we will never experience the best things about Him…. Part 1: […]

Jesus on the Couch

What if Jesus sat between people dating, between married couples, between friends on the couch?  What if Jesus had a say? What if He was the referee? How much of your life’s pain might have been avoided? It’s not too late to ask Jesus if He’d be kind enough to sit on the couch between […]

What’s in your Filing Cabinet?

What’s in your Filing Cabinet?  Similar to how we store and file information in a practical sense in our day-to-day life so that we can draw from it when needed, we also develop a spiritual life by storing the principles of Scripture and building a relationship with JESUS.

Money & Emotions

What money represents makes us emotional, but money itself is a tool. People aren’t emotional about tools. It can build what God wants for you or it can tear it down. It’s time to remove emotion from money. But your Heavenly Father can’t take care of you if you think you’re the dad… Part 1: […]


Jesus was everything that could have fixed all our problems…   (Or so we thought) right up until God turns Him into a baby. From unkillable to the most vulnerable and weak human. Why? But some of us don’t mind trying to keep baby Jesus a baby. We buckle Him into a car seat and […]

The Power Plant

If I were the devil and couldn’t keep salvation away from you,  I’d keep you away from the power of the Holy Spirit. The devil is not worried about Christian Civilians who have access to weapons they don’t use. We don’t truly become a threat until we receive the Holy Spirit’s baptism for our SOULS (mind/ […]